Punching Cardboard

Well, it's that time of year, the time when everyone climbs all over everyone else to get their Top 10 lists up and running. We're no different here at the PCP, so we have some lists for you too. However, we are different enough to put a little spin on the exercise. So,  mainly because we've yet to play all the major 2014 releases, here are the top games we played for the first time in 2014.

Yeah, bet you didn't see that coming.

Of course, rather than keep it simple, we throw other lists at you first: Disappointments, games that need to be played more, honorable mentions. In other words, we talk about a lot of games in this one. Help you somebody!


08:20 -- What We're Doing
09:00 -- Friendless Stats
10:48 -- Disappointments
26:27 -- Need More Plays
44:35 -- Honorable Mentions
64:17 -- The Top 10 Games We Played For the First Time in 2014

Direct download: PCP_053_final.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:09pm PDT